Canadian sex clubs

Started with Star Trek in '72, Star Wars in '76, D&D in '79, etc. Just looking for some friends and fun! I am currently looking for both lovers and friends.
Looking for a fun woman that loves to have fun. I'm very open and Canadian just like to have fun for the night or here n there..
Im a healghy human man and i need affection.

Can take Canadian a joke. I'm a totally laid back chick, professional tattooist, and after being married through the best years of my life now I don't want to have it all from a hundred different people. Trying to get someone who is sane and can meet without 100 emails. I just had a heart attack and I would love to remember what being with someone is like. If you are looking for a feminine male that likes the bottom for my friend, I am looking for a blissful enjoyment.

Don't really want to get serious right now. Someone who likes to experiment with sex and other activities. Let's grab a pint or a coffee and discuss the possibilities! A nudist at heart. I am a classical song writer and a learner digital musician i like alsorts of things in life.

I am so sad can you talk with me. I am looking to meet new people who are legit and want to increase network of friends and have naughty fun in the process. Guys that want to be milk. Must be open-minded 'above average' fellas for NSA PLAYFUL encounters..

I'm a young guy looking to explore more it! We're here for something a little more than what I have. Women swimmmjng nude underwater. Passionate Adventurous Spontaneous man who enjoys every moment that life provides.

New and interested in learning more. Looking to have fun ultimately but if we're chatting no rush or pressure.

I simply wish to spend my life with another woman who accepts and lives me for who I am, not who I was. I dream to create a happy family! Open book ask what you would like to know more about me or would like to more of as well, that would be great. I intend on fulfilling these roles without failure, This special man will know that I am into women ONLY and will not respond to rude or weird shit!!***ALSO, it appears that because I don't pay the subscription, there are tons of messages I cannot reply to. Looking for someone passionate and kinky.

Non-smoker, dominant leaning, looking to play. I'm a bit kinky and an explorer. Let's keep it civil by you keeping your preaching, your hate, your Canadian homophobia, your insecurities, and your hypocrisy yourself.

Not interested in a SBSD arrangement.

Ideally you're outgoing, articulate and fun.
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