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Been out the game for a few years. Will know when I see it. Looking for a gentleman, a true gentleman.. I have been married for 18 years I have five I'm just looking to making some new friends that see me as a woman in charge, so when it's time to get back into the game.

I dont know what you want. I'm not looking for a one-time fling.

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I want to be a real family that love each other. My ideal woman would be positive and happy. Thank you xxx. If they want it go get it. Looking for someone who wants to be friends and show me the way to an errotic, intimate sex dates encouter.

Outgoing male, very laid back and good sense of humour.

He's quiet, commanding, and adventurous. I'm looking for a hot older women in need. In shape clean male looking for some good clean sexy fun, a little shy at times, not looking for a wife I'm not looking for any of that please carry on.

Looking hot horny woman New Castle, PA girls looking to hang our. Easy going spaniard living in London in search of new experiences.
If you like sex dates the sound of anything in my list and want to help me achieve my fantasys, and enjoy them and maybe we/we all can make this a regular thing.

No must haves in a partner except must be a non smoker. I identify sex dates as a freak with tattoos the obvious piercing and a split tongue. Cant read msg ,as only a standard member.

I like to be active, and I need a man to share my night thoughts and my whole life with and will like and love to meet that man here and big love awaits him forever.

I also am shaven which hopefully turns some people on. Love to hear from you sexy bunch. I am an easy going and down to earth person.

I am seeking a stable of young male hot sex slaves. TS/CD: you want a top?

Domination sex dates sometimes is key, not afraid.

She tells me everything about what she is doing and i'm ok with it. Looking for no holds bar anything you or you and a friend can imagine I'm willing to do or try to do it taboo femdom let's just get relaxed and have fun and our imagination run free. Looking for connections. I'm a very passive person , in the middle of rediscovering myself.

Prove me wrong, but I've seen no evidence that Wednesday is humpday. ALL OF U R SINNERS!! Have experience with older ladies so don't be shy just be yourself.

Ideally you're outgoing, articulate and fun.
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