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Have a few drinks together I'm after a regular buddy. Senior fetish swingers! I am real, honest, caring, and adventurous, open minded fully vaxed enjoy meeting new people and making new friends that normally in the every day life wouldn't.

Broad shoulders. Im looking for a mature man or woman who can treat me as a woman.

Life for me should invite you to let go of inhibitions and indulge passionately in the exploration of the others. Standard user send tkns if want to chat with me...IN DEEP NEED of smokin/jerkin buddy for RIGHT NOW.

Id like to think of myself has a gentleman Im new to this looking for older and mature women Im down for FWB or no string attached or even you wanna get to know each other and see where things lead, possibly fool around.

I'm a 22 year old Latino male that loves to get to know mature women. Can you take control without being bossy?

When I go out and have my fun I come home and tell him everything that happened while I suck him.

I'm not pushy and am polite and respectful. I love to eat at the Y... I absolutely have no idea what I'm getting into but I'm on for the ride. Ok well I am looking for someone who wants to be appreciated and appreciate me for all my positive traitess. I have some experience in the LS as a Vixen. Real CIS females only.

Not interested in men at all unless it's part of MFM with Straight only play. I have been here before. Someone who enjoys having fun and isn't afraid to get dirty.

I need multi boobs a partner in crime. I'm also a professional masseur with table. I wouldn't mind being caught either, during a hike, or in a park.

No need to say it's forever, let's see what happens and enjoy the time together. If you are interested, dont be shy. Have Common courtesy towards each other. I'm Janette Arnold. Hourglass figure hotties nude. Cool guy looking for a nice hot friend to play..

Sex only NSA Creampies. When in Rome.. If you want too know more Email me and give me your kitty.

I want to get to know you better and see if we get on and if there is any chemistry, the worst case is that there isn't and we have had a beer or a coffee with an interesting stranger. Been married for more than 10 years. I'm 6 foot 1, 270 pounds.

Ideally you're outgoing, articulate and fun.
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