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We do still come to London and are happy to meet there,but it would have to be your place or hotel. 50 yr old male and fimale fucking. Appreciate its a hook up site etc but I need to know if my feeling are true. I wake up by 6:40 am and I relax by 2:00 pm.I am easy going and straightforward but I go to bed by 55:40 if you are smart and have sense of humur too that's a BIG plus!

Ideally a long term FWB with the right person.
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I'm very much a boobs man!

I am a crossdresser model i love being a model love candle light dinners enjoy having a wonderful time. (Can be just naked too, if you prefer). I like to meet first and see if we have connection. We do not exchange pics as we do not want them floating out there in cyber space.
I'm a old fashioned guy Guernsey but with a mix of today's manners mixed in.

Mature male looking for mostly Guernsey daytime fun Non smoker social drinker all about pleasing and enjoying the moment Reach out if youre looking for pics, and/or just wasting time while at work, or just tryna jerk off real quick, im not the one; please move on. I got on this app because it's a lot more convenient to find someone that's cool to hang out with. Open to connecting and exploring our desires.

I like ass play. Lady 45-55 Age. But more importantly not crazy.

I am looking for emotionally intelligent. In shape, in gym regularly.

I am a widower male with a high sex drive. Public flashing confessions!
I cross dress for my own self pleasuring.

Newly single, just looking to enjoy life and find friends that share similar interests and ambitions for life and living it. Mature transsexual club. I'm looking for friends to explore new things with and quality people.

Some people were born sexual creatures - I am one of them. Thanks for taking a peek at my profile. But we usually don't date/play as a couple.
I would like to Guernsey date exclusively for a year and really get to know each other.

I could eat pussy all day everyday. Normal person, with a bit of a kinky streak but don't enjoy things if my partner isn't satisfied.

I am a Switch.I am looking for a smart and sexy older woman with unfulfilled desires. Am a mature man life is short and not to sweat the little shit. I am 58 years old with the body of a 42 year old and the spirit of a 32 year old. I can say that I am a humble, simple, honest girl with a big heart, open to meeting new people. Do you have the healing touch?

Ages 30-50 MALES! Women looking for loving mom. Clean Hot Horny honest Sexy Insatiable Guernsey in bed.

Must be healthy and a non smoker!

Ideally you're outgoing, articulate and fun.
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