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Would love to find friendship and fun that is ongoing. I am b0t that is not actually a bot, lul, I am funny, intuitive, intelligent, spiritual computer nerd guy that's also kinda hardcore. I don't smoke nor I plan to even try. I do constuction and have rental property so I can stay busy. Happily married in an open relationship,I am looking for a mature girlfriend to enjoy my weekends with, i ride motorcycles i love to play guitar around a fire, i am a very out going person and have a female that's looking for all kinds of fun with ladies, gents and couples. Truckers, Construction, Married men are encouraged to experience this cock hungry servant.

I can't see or respond to messages on here so add me on fetlife to talk or to see even more I am bi curious I enjoy anal play, I am into voyerism and feet (for some reason) I am pretty open you can ask me anything. Love to hear what you desire and if i can make your legs quiver. Nice wet pussy.

I am also interested in finding a lady that is bi and may want to participate. Looking for my extremely desired Daddy Dom/Affectionate Dom/ Bratty Tamer.. Easygoing adventureous horny...friendly and looking for lots of fun minded fun couple... I know it sounds lame me coming from me but I'm a pretty chill dude and almost guaranteed we will have a good time. Older or BBW welcome.

Hello my name is Caleb, I'm 6ft 2 kind hearted with a troubled past, love to cook, clean , and serve.

I do not have Premium so leave a message if interested. I am not comfortable with in person meeting. There's nothing wrong with wanting to succeed; in fact, I think it says much more about a person who is here not for games and who wants to hookup weekly!!
Haha, maybe you dreamed of going to the mat with me and trying what it is like when your girlfriend helps you to pump your oblique abdominal muscles?

I am 420 friendly (cannabis). Would love to taste and play with another woman. Im a freak in bed and will show you a thing or two lol. A woman who knows what they want doesn't play games and goes right after it.

Pussy woman for do. My ideal candidate is a fun, genuine, long-term relationship.

Bonus points if youre married and are in an ethically nonmonogamous relationship. I'm a free-spirited observer Introvert type Happy Looking for someone who likes the same.
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Looking for a little conversation maybe more if interested feel free to check me out. Naked woman in Donegal. HOW TALL ARE YOU?

I am married but have full permission to play solo. Be in good health, honest, and real.

Ideally you're outgoing, articulate and fun.
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